Ms. M.M Skosana’s leadership combined with the efforts and collaboration of all members of the Nkangala District Municipality is responsible for the overall success of the Municipality. The Municipality is working together towards a common cause that benefits the people of the district.
- Financial Services
- Corporate Services
- Technical Services
- Social Services
(Click on Department name to expand section)
To provide financial, technical, economic and administrative support services to all local municipalities and the district.
- Provide accounting and financial management advise and support
- Provide engineering and technical advice and support
- Provide economic advise and support
- Provide administrative advice and support
To provide assurance on management
- Assess and make recommendations to improve governance process
- Provide assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management process
- Evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of controls covering governance, operations, and information systems
- Review interim, statutory financial statements and performance reports prior to submission to relevant authorities
- Provide internal audit support to local municipalities
- Provide administrative and secretariat support to the Audit Committee
To provide risk management services for service delivery optimisation.
- Develop and implement risk management framework, policy, processes, strategy, and plans
- Develop and implement risk management systems (including a Risk Register to record risks and management responses)
- Identify and assess threats to service delivery, and facilitate instituting of risk mitigation plans
- Provide risk management support to local municipalities
- Conduct and co-ordinate risk management awareness campaigns
- Monitor implementation of controls, and report to management and Audit Committee (through Chairperson of Risk Management, Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Committee)
- Provide administrative and secretariat support to Risk Management, Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Committee
To provide strategic legal advice and support services.
- Draft and gazette by-laws
- Draft service level agreements (SLA), other agreements, and legal instruments
- Provide general legal assistance to local municipalities
- Manage litigation matters
- Provide legal advise and opinions
To provide information technology infrastructure and services.
- Manage information dissemination and security
- Build, maintain, and support ICT framework, architecture, and infrastructure (e.g. networks, hardware, software, applications)
- Data management (incl. programmes, data integrity, and systems such as Munsoft, payroll systems)
- Systems administration (incl. development, updates, security, server administration, backups, patching, etc.)
- Provide information and communication technology support to local municipalities on a needs basis
To develop, manage and implement organisational performance management system.
- Develop performance management system framework
- Performance management reporting (incl. statutory quarterly reports, mid-year reports, s.46 Annual Performance Reports, s.121 Annual Reports, etc.)
- Facilitate development and consolidation of Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP)
- Provide assurance to individual performance agreements of Section 57 appointees (senior managers)
- Facilitate quarterly reviews and annual assessments of organisational performance (OPMS)
- Co-ordinate Performance Management System forum in support of local municipalities
To have an efficient and integrated governance system based on the principles of accountability and commitment to the delivery of services and sustainable development.
To develop an effective, well skilled and representative administration capable of taking and implementing decisions and driven by an organizational culture based on results, cost-effectiveness and service excellence with the mind of providing a service that is community orientated taking into consideration the principles of Batho Pele.
To provide corporate and executive support services.
- Render human resource management and development functions
- Render administrative and secretariat services to Council and Council committees
- Render facilities, fleet, records management and archiving services
- Render communication services
- Render public participation process support
To provide Human Resource Management services.
- Manage recruitment, selection, appointment and other life cycle events of employees
- Manage conditions of service of employees
- Manage employee training and development
- Facilitate and monitor implementation of employee performance management system
- Manage organisational design and post allocation
- Develop, implement and monitor human resource policies, standards, strategies, and plans
- Facilitate and manage labour relations (advisory, grievances, disputes, discipline, and collective bargaining)
- Develop and manage employee wellness programme
- Manage implementation of occupational health and safety
- Maintain human resource information and knowledge management, using a human resource information system
- Manage human resource personnel records
To render secretariat, administrative and logistical support to council and council committees.
- Compile Year Planners and work-plans for Section 79 Committees
- Provide logistics to Council and Council Committee meetings (schedules publishing, notices, agendas, meeting packs, deliveries)
- Take meeting records (written & audio), resolutions, and attendance records
- Provide administrative support to Councillors (i.e. Declarations of Interest, S & T claims, personal information, other registers, etc.)
To render communication services.
- Render corporate communication services
- Render media liaison and monitoring services
- Render branding, advertising and marketing services
- Render publication and production services
- Render events management services
To manage records, archives, fleet and facilities of the municipality.
- Render records management and archiving services
- Render a library and information service
- Render a messenger service
- Render a reprographic service
- Render a receptionist service
- Manage security services
- Manage cleaning, grounds, gardens, and minor building maintenance services
- Render a fleet management service
To provide administrative and logistical support for public participation process.
- Render executive support to the Speaker and Council Whip
- Develop, implement and review public participation strategy
- Manage logistics for outreach programmes (incl. developing outreach material, drafting speeches, branding events, etc.)
- Communicate operational data to management
- Carry out Speaker’s special projects
- Develop and implement a Complaints and Compliments Management Policy and Plan (incl. monitoring of Presidential Hotline issues)
Improved quality of life through balanced, sustainable infrastructure development support & service delivery excellence to our communities.
The Technical Services Department is committed to the improvement of the physical, socio-economic and institutional environment in order to address poverty and promote infrastructure development by:
- Developing infrastructure to enable and ensure service provision that meets the priority of communities..
- Promoting Integrated Development Planning and the proper coordination and alignment of infrastructure development initiatives in the district through sector planning.
- Encourage and supporting the effective performance and functioning of local municipalities in ensuring access to basic services within the district.
- Enhancing economic growth and development within the district through infrastructure project implementation.
- Promoting a healthy and safe environment for all.
To plan and build district-wide bulk services and community infrastructure.
- Develop infrastructure master plans for local municipalities and the district
- Plan infrastructure (plans, designs, EIA, scoping, feasibility, investigations)
- Build bulk infrastructure (water, sewage, roads, electricity, storm water)
- Build community facilities (recreational, sport, waste, libraries, etc.)
- Refurbish, upgrade, and rehabilitate infrastructure
To render project management services for bulk and community infrastructure projects.
- Financial management and control
- Contract management
- Maintenance of Municipal Buildings Infrastructure
- Relationship management and communication of operational information
To render project management services for bulk and community infrastructure projects.
- Financial management and control
- Contract management
- Maintenance of Municipal Buildings Infrastructure
- Relationship management and communication of operational information
The Department within the Municipality that is the benchmark in service excellence.
This will be achieved by:
- Upholding the principles of Batho Pele.
- Rendering efficient effective support services in a transparent and accountable manner.
- Ensuring effective and efficient income and expenditure management.
- Contributing towards the maintenance of a high credit rating.
- Attracting and retaining competent personnel.
To manage finances of the Municipality and ensure financial viability.
- Budget planning and expenditure management
- Manage revenue, assets and liabilities, and investments
- Manage supply chain management
- Ensure financial compliance management and controls
To provide financial compliance assurance and systems administration.
- Ensure overall compliance with financial regulatory environment
- Implement, manage and maintain standard charts of accounts (SCOA)
- Render financial systems administration
- Report to various structures
To provide budget planning and manage expenditure and payments.
- Prepare budgets for the municipality
- Manage budget information and provide in-year monitoring (IYM) and reporting
- Manage creditors and salaries (Accounts payable)
- Manage projects expenditure and payments
- Monitor all expenditure, provide monthly reconciliations, and prepare periodic reports of expenditure status
To manage revenue, assets, liabilities and investments.
- Render a revenue management service
- Render asset management service
- Manage municipality’s investment portfolio
- Manage long-term liabilities, and insurance
- Compile Annual Financial Statements
To render supply chain management services.
- Demand management and compilation of annual procurement plan
- Acqusition management for requests for quotations and bids
- Contract management and supply chain performance reporting
To promote a district in which the environment is conducive to sustainable social, physical and economic development of full potential of its inhabitant’s well being.
The department is committed to engage in the exercise of co-operative governance to ensure a safe and healthy environment that would enhance social, economic and physical development, through the coordination of the following:
- Municipal health services including environment management services.
- ICommunity development services.
- Disaster management and emergency services.
- Programmes to enhance the development of youth and women
To ensure the rendering of social development, public safety and environmental services.
- Manage, co-ordinate and provide disaster management services within the district
- Provide fire and rescue services to local municipalities of Thembisile Hani and Dr JS Moroka
- Manage and co-ordinate special focus programmes (HIV/AIDS, Women, Children, Gender, Disability, Elderly)
- Manage intergovernmental relations and provide social facilitation services
- Provide environmental management services
- Provide municipal health services
- Provide strategic support to youth development units within local municipalities, and to co-ordinate youth development programmes within the district
To coordinate disaster management services and public safety structures and programmes.
- Co-ordinate disaster management services for the district
- Co-ordinate community public safety and crime prevention structures and programmes in the district
To provide strategic support to youth development units within local municipalities and to coordinate youth development programmes within the district.
- Develop youth development strategies
- Provide strategic support to youth development units in within local municipalities
- Co-ordinate youth development programmes within the district
To coordinate the mainstreaming of special focus programmes within the district.
- Co-ordinate the mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS, Children and Women programmes
- Co-ordinate the mainstreaming of Gender, Disability and Elderly programmes.
To manage intergovernmental relations and provide a social facilitation service.
- Manage intergovernmental relations
- Provide social facilitation service
- Facilitate provision of community services
- Render liaison services on projects and shared mandates between municipality and sector departments and public
entities - Co-ordinate and manage activities for the moral regeneration and social cohesion programme
To render supply chain management services.
- Demand management and compilation of annual procurement plan
- Acqusition management for requests for quotations and bids
- Contract management and supply chain performance reporting
To identify, evaluate, control and significantly reduce all environmental health risk factors in the environment, thus sustainability improving quality of life of the community within the district.
- Provide water quality monitoring service
- Provide food control service
- Provide waste management monitoring
- Conduct health surveillance of premises / building plans
- Environmental pollution control
- Surveillance and prevention of communicable diseases
- Conduct vector control services
- Inspection and control of the disposal of the dead
- Control chemical safety
To provide fire and rescue services to local municipalities of Thembisile Hani and Dr JS Moroka.
- Provide life-saving emergency reponse services (i.e. fire, rescue, first aid, motor vehicle accidents, flooding, etc.)
- Provide fire prevention and awareness services (i.e. fire inspections, investigations, risk assessments, review of building plans, enforcement of fire by-laws, fire training & awareness)
- Provide safety assurance services (e.g. bomb threats, bees)
To be a catalyst for sustainable regional development, economic growth and inclusive socio-economic development.
To be a catalyst for sustainable regional development, economic growth and inclusive socio-economic development.
Inclusive economic growth and decent employment, spatial transformation and sustainable human settlements.
- Development and Planning
- Transport Planning
- Local Economic Development
- Trade and Investment Facilitation
- To coordinate the planning, adoption and review of the District Integrated Development Plan (IDP).
- To develop, manage and regulate the built and natural environment through the implementation and review of the land use management system, the implementation of statutory planning legislation and maintenance of planning procedures in order to ensure a sustainable built environment for the District.
- To lead, manage and direct sustainable urban growth and spatial transformation through the preparation and implementation of short, medium and long term spatial plans.
- To support local municipalities with the regulation of public transport facilities through the development of Transport legislations,
- Develop and implement integrated transport plans and strategies
- To improve the public transport system through collaborations with stakeholders in the transport industry.
- Local Economic Development
- To create an enabling environment that allows the participation of local residents, with more bias toward previously disadvantages individuals, in strategic and high-impact businesses;
- Facilitate Skills Development and Capacity building for local SMMEs, Cooperatives and informal traders,
- Encourage partnerships in developing tourism infrastructure and market Nkangala as a tourist destination
- Coordinate the support of emerging farmers and develop agriculture value chains and agro-processing processing initiatives
- Diversification of the economy by promoting agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, and green economy.
- To ensure that policies are in place to support job creation and related reporting as per EPWP requirements
- Provide assistance to local municipalities in the implementation of EPWP & CWP Programmes across all sectors,
- Implement EPWP &CWP programmes in collaboration with National and Provincial departments and local municipalities.
- Foster partnerships with local businesses and foreign investors to promote the district as premier investment destination, and development partner.
- Facilitating feasibility studies & business plans in priority sectors.
- Facilitating access to funding through DFIs and private funders.
- Providing opportunities for emerging B-BBEE businesses.
- Providing counselling and training to SMMEs regarding export issues.
- Facilitating access to national and local government incentives.
- Hosting and coordinating business events/exhibitions and delegations to attract trade and investment.
Division | Contact person |
General Manager | Mr AT MatjiyaTel: 013 249 2194
E: matjiyaat@ndmweb.next-iot.online |
Manager | Mr Prince ManganiTel: 013 249 2162
E: manganijp@ndmweb.next-iot.online |
Secretary | Ms Bridgette MotsoenengTel: 013 249 2199
E: Motsoenengb@ndmweb.next-iot.online |
Admin officer | Ms Sbongile MtsweniTel: 013 249 2209
E: Mtswenisl@ndmweb.next-iot.online |
Development and Planning | Mr Vusumuzi KubhekaTel: 013 249 2090
E:kubhekavs@ndmweb.next-iot.online |
Local Economic Development | Ms Fikile MasekoTel: 013 249 2191
E:masekofm@ndmweb.next-iot.online |
Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) & Community Works Programme (CWP) | Mr Tiro MabundaTel: 013 249 2020
E: mabundatt@ndmweb.next-iot.online |
Transport Planning | Ms Patronella HadebeTel: 013 249 2193
E:hadebepe@ndmweb.next-iot.online |
Trade and Investment | Dr Ntwanano MtungwaTel: 013 249 2218
E: mtungwank@ndmweb.next-iot.online |